Green Farmsel Farm Story

EST 2014

Our farm was established in 2014 in the Apuseni Mountains, in the immediate vicinity of the Turda Gorges. Currently we have a herd of 1000 Black Angus head, both colour variants, breeding bulls with certificates of origin, as well as their calves calved on our farm.

Breeding on our farm is managed using certified sires on well-defined heifer and cow lots, rotating the sires every year to another lot to avoid inbreeding and to meet the most demanding needs of our current and future partners.


premium quality

The Aberdeen-Angus breed of cows named after the town of Aberdeen was formed in the north of Scotland in the 18th century and is the representative breed of English beef cattle. It is a widespread breed from the British Isles all over the world: Europe, North America, South America, Oceania (Australia, New Zealand), Asia and South Africa.

The coat colour is generally black, with red or brown animals recently being accepted into the herd books, with no difference in productivity due to colour.

Angus cattle are low-waisted but heavy-weight animals. The head is small and the neck is short and deep. The general external appearance is specific to the morphological meat type, with impressive meat production traits. Horns are absent (a genetic trait passed on to offspring).The trunk is bulky and cylindrical, long, very broad and deep, and the upper line of the trunk is straight and horizontal. Extremities are short, with short, strong limbs, the skeleton is generally thin, so that the percentage of bones in the carcass does not exceed 15-16%.The average weight of cows is 500-600 kg and of bulls 800-1000 kg.

The animals of this breed mature quickly and are precocious and prolific. Age at first calving is 16-18 months, with easy calving carried out regularly without problems during the 9 months of gestation. Calf weight at calving is 25-30 kg.

The breed is well suited to grazing, they are unpretentious but require good quality pasture. The daily intake based on green feed in the extensive system is 900-1000 g, thus achieving the best quality meat naturally.

The daily gain of fattened young in the intensive system is high, with a slaughter yield of 60-62%, but with a fairly high tallow index. The meat is of good quality, tender, marbled, due to the genetic characteristics it is juicy and tasty and the most appreciated for grilling.

Our animals are raised on untreated pastures in the Apuseni Mountains, the main feed being grass.

Our Offer

Green Farmsel

For Breeding

• Young bulls for breeding
• Adult bulls for breeding used on our farm

• Young heifers and adult heifers with certificates of origin


Green Farmsel

Factors influencing meat quality